Course Content
This chapter answers the following questions: What kinds of education services are offered in destination countries? What information does the student counsellor need to understand a destination country? What advice are students likely to want about a destination country? What are the main destination countries?
This chapter summarizes the following questions: How is the education system structured in destination countries? What types of educational institutions are there and how do they fit in the education system? What types of qualifications can a student gain from these educational institutions? What is the regulatory framework for qualifications, and how does it work? Where do international students enter and leave the education system?
International education in a destination country is most likely controlled by legislation and associated regulations at national and state/regional levels. This lesson examines common laws and regulations relating to international education and outlines how they operate. Focus Questions How are the regulatory systems structured in destination countries? How do the regulatory systems affect the different types of educational institution? How do the regulatory systems affect the student counsellor?
CISA- Certified International Student Advisor
About Lesson

Sources of Information

The student counsellor needs to know how to find accurate information from various sources concerning education institutions and destination countries.

Market Research

To be successful, education products and services (such as courses and schools) have to offer benefits that meet customers’ needs. The student counsellor needs to discover what these are. Market research, using techniques such as surveys and focus groups, will help him/her do this. Although the end user of the product/service might be the most important customer, the needs of other parties may have to be taken into account.

Researching a Market

The student counsellor should be aware of relevant destination countries, their education system, and institutions and the courses they offer. When a new market emerges or an existing market changes, he/she should undertake research to become familiar with it. This requires basic research skills and the ability to find relevant sources of information.

Research Skills

The student counsellor should be able to find a good deal of information on the internet using web browsers and search engines. Knowledge of filtering techniques is essential for defining search parameters to isolate sites containing relevant information. The student counsellor should also know how to use physical resources, such as libraries (and their catalogues and indexes).

Use of the internet and other technology is discussed in C1.1 Technology.

Research Questions

The student counsellor should look for both specific information about courses, institutions, visas, etc. and general information about the living environment in the destination country. Prospective students usually find answers to the following questions valuable:

  • What are the characteristics of the language, society, people, and environment?
  • What is the quality of the education system?
  • What courses are available and how much do they cost?
  • How are qualifications recognised?
  • Is there a variety of student accommodations to suit different budgets and needs?
  • What support services are available to international students?
  • What quality assurance systems are there?
  • What government regulations and safeguards protect international students?
  • Does a student visa include permission to work?

Information Sources

Useful sources of information can generally be found in:

  • The official websites of the destination country’s government on the internet
  • The destination country’s diplomatic, cultural, or trade offices in the home country
  • The observations of other student counsellors
  • Surveys of current and former students
  • Industry publications, magazines, documentaries, etc.

Refer to A1 Destination Countries for main destination countries and related information sources and websites.

Extension Questions: For each relevant destination country:

  1. What information is needed to understand its education market?
  2. What research tools are available to the student counsellor?
  3. What information sources are likely to be useful?

Accuracy and Integrity

The student counsellor needs to gather research data and organise it into accurate and usable information. How data from various sources is collected, collated, and processed is critical to the integrity of the resulting information.

Collating and Processing Information

Data should be collected according to search parameters which will yield relevant facts, figures, and statistics. The student counsellor should check this data and select only that which is accurate, reliable, and up to date. It can then be collated, sorted, and filtered to provide useful information.

Accuracy and Currency

The student counsellor must choose sources of information which are trustworthy, and inspect the data for both accuracy and currency. This is important not only for a good reputation but to meet contractual obligations with education institutions. The student counsellor should monitor the destination country for changes which may affect the integrity of the data previously collected, and if needed, update the data as soon as possible.

Organising information is discussed C1.3 Work Practices.

Extension Questions: For each relevant destination country:

  • How does the student counsellor process research information?
  • How does he/she check the information for accuracy and currency?
  • How does he/she keep information up to date when changes occur in the destination country?
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