Course Content
This chapter answers the following questions: What kinds of education services are offered in destination countries? What information does the student counsellor need to understand a destination country? What advice are students likely to want about a destination country? What are the main destination countries?
This chapter summarizes the following questions: How is the education system structured in destination countries? What types of educational institutions are there and how do they fit in the education system? What types of qualifications can a student gain from these educational institutions? What is the regulatory framework for qualifications, and how does it work? Where do international students enter and leave the education system?
International education in a destination country is most likely controlled by legislation and associated regulations at national and state/regional levels. This lesson examines common laws and regulations relating to international education and outlines how they operate. Focus Questions How are the regulatory systems structured in destination countries? How do the regulatory systems affect the different types of educational institution? How do the regulatory systems affect the student counsellor?
CISA- Certified International Student Advisor
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Welcome to Malaysia Education System 

Five Quick Points About Malaysia

  • Known as one of the safest, most tolerant, easiest-to-manage countries in Asia
  • Beautiful, diverse scenery, from forested mountains to white sand beaches
  • Surprisingly low cost of living, affordable education, and good quality of life
  • Excellent, internationally recognised education system and qualifications
  • Multicultural, vibrant environment for international students from more than 150 countries

Location and Geography

The Federation of Malaysia, in total about the same size (329,750 square kilometres) as the U.S. state of New Mexico, is in Southeast Asia and comprises two regions: Peninsular Malaysia (11 states) and the Island of Borneo (which includes two states, Sabah and Sarawak). The South China Sea separates the two regions. To the north of Peninsular Malaysia is Thailand, and to the south, Singapore. Indonesia surrounds Sabah and Sarawak, and the latter shares borders with Brunei as well. The landscape ranges from coastal plains to hills and mountains, as well as lovely sand beaches. Trees cover nearly three-quarters of the total area. The capital city is Kuala Lumpur.


Located near the equator, Malaysia experiences a tropical climate. While it can get very humid (with monsoon seasons) it never gets extremely hot – average temperatures are from 20° to 30°C.

Population and History

Malaysia’s first inhabitants are said to have been immigrant ancestors of the Orang Asli, who arrived 5,000 years ago from China and Tibet. The Malays, who brought with them skills in farming and the use of metals, followed them. The Hindu-Buddhist period began around the first century B.C. and is evident in the temples of the Bujang Valley and the Merbok Estuary in Kedah in the northwest of the peninsula, near the Thai border. This era came to an end when Islam was introduced by Arab and Indian traders in the 13th century. At this time, the Malay-Hindu rulers of the Melaka Sultanate, the Malay kingdom which ruled both sides of the Straits of Malaka for over a hundred years, converted to Islam. This change had a profound effect on Malay society. Malaysia was also influenced by the British colonial presence in the 19th and 20th centuries. Following World War II, Malaysia became an independent member of the British Commonwealth.

At present the Malaysian population is about 33 million people. Its ethnic composition is roughly Malay 53%, Chinese 26%, indigenous 11%, Indian 7%, and others 8%. By constitutional definition, all Malays are Muslim. Despite the overall majority of Malays, non-Malay indigenous groups make up more than half of Sarawak’s population and about 66% of Sabah’s.

Other than Islam (at 60%, the dominant religion), the other practised religions are Buddhism (19%), Christianity (9%), and Hinduism (6%). The official language is Bahasa Melayu, but various dialects of Chinese, English, Tamil, as well as indigenous languages are also spoken.

Society and Culture

Malaysia is a cultural mosaic. While many cultures contribute to Malaysia’s identity, some have had especially lasting influence on the country: the ancient Malay culture and the cultures of Malaysia’s significant trading partners throughout history – the Chinese and the Indians. These three groups are joined by a multitude of indigenous tribes, many of which live in the forests and coastal areas of Borneo. Although each of these cultures has vigorously maintained its traditions and community structures, they have also worked together to create contemporary Malaysia’s uniquely diverse heritage. Despite the various ethnicities, there is a common reverence for the family structure, and for polite, harmonious, respectful conduct. And though the Malaysian constitution declares Islam to be a founding guide for Malaysian culture, there is also a great deal of tolerance for other ethnicities and religions.


The Malaysian economy is known for its relative stability and general growth track. After an economic boom in the 1970s, Malaysia diversified successfully and transitioned from being a mainly raw materials producer to a top exporter of manufactured goods, earning it the designation “newly industrialised country.” It is a significant producer and exporter of palm oil and rubber; crude petroleum and liquefied natural gas; cocoa and pepper; apparel; and timber and wood products. Major markets for Malaysian exports are Singapore, the U.S., Japan, and China. The currency is the Ringgit.


Malaysia practises parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarch heading the country. The Federal Constitution underlines the separation of governing powers between the executive, judicial, and legislative authorities. The separation of power occurs both at the federal and state level. Malaysia is known for being a politically stable society.

Living Conditions and Cost of Living

The cost of living in Malaysia is exceptionally low for a newly industrialised country. Housing/renting, food, and eating out are very reasonable, and taxes are relatively low. The average Malaysian spends around 150 Euros every month on food, and most students will find a monthly budget of US$500 will allow them to live comfortably.

The living standard in Kuala Lumpur (KL) is in general quite high. Malaysia has a good health care system, good hospitals, good international schools, excellent highways, and modern communication systems.

For more on living and study costs, please see:

Education System

There are two types of tertiary education in Malaysia: government-funded and private higher educational institutes. There are also many prestigious British and international branch campuses operating in Malaysia. English is the dominant language of instruction.

Information Specific to International Students

To study in Malaysia, international students should apply directly to the institution they would like to attend; student counsellors can help students assess whether this school is licensed and approved by the relevant regulatory bodies of the Malaysian government.

International students can work part-time in Malaysia under strict guidelines whereby they can work only during semester breaks for a maximum of 20 hours a week. Only certain workplaces are permitted (for more information, contact Malaysian immigration). All applications to work must be approved through Malaysian Immigration.

More Information

More Useful Resources – Tourism Malaysia –Official Malaysian government website – A gateway to study in Malaysia – Immigration Department Malaysia – International Student Unit Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS – Asian institute of Medical, Science
and Technology Malaysia – Malaysian Meteorology Department

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